
Change jekyll to only liquid template lang?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Jekyll adds too much bulk when we are only using it for the includes, layouts and partials, maybe only the liquid language is needed.

Or even better Jade or Pug.

And we avoid using both Ruby and NodeJS on the same project, we can only stick with one

@Mike3run good idea. we actually have another generator we use that is only gulp based. The We use Jykell bc sometimes when we build static sites, the clients want to use a Static CMS, like Siteleaf or Forestry.io.

In the case of Shopify, we could probably get away with using only gulp, but the lIquid syntax would transfer much more smoothly to shopify liquid, so thought it would be more uselfull

got it, didn't know your full use-case scenario for this one