
Method Canvas.save(int) has been removed from Android SDK (API 28)

AnthonyStephan opened this issue · 4 comments

My app uses Android Plot for a simple XY plot (lines).

Just updated to API 28 (targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion)

It does not build anymore, see the output:

Warning: com.androidplot.pie.PieRenderer: can't find referenced method 'int save(int)' in library class android.graphics.Canvas
Warning: com.androidplot.ui.LayoutManager: can't find referenced method 'int save(int)' in library class android.graphics.Canvas
Warning: com.androidplot.ui.SeriesRenderer: can't find referenced method 'int save(int)' in library class android.graphics.Canvas
Warning: com.androidplot.ui.widget.TextLabelWidget: can't find referenced method 'int save(int)' in library class android.graphics.Canvas
Warning: com.androidplot.xy.LineAndPointRenderer: can't find referenced method 'int save(int)' in library class android.graphics.Canvas
Warning: com.androidplot.xy.XYGraphWidget: can't find referenced method 'int save(int)' in library class android.graphics.Canvas

In fact Canvas.save(int) has been removed from the SDK in API 28. In was deprecated since 28, now it is fully removed and you should call Canvas.save() instead

Thx @AnthonyStephan - will get this resolved ASAP

Great, thank you @halfhp for your great work :)
Don't be in a hurry, only a few devices have access to Android P for the moment ;) and not sure a lot of devs are compiling using API 28 yet.

Fixed in 1.5.6