
No image preview at jlcpcb.com of produced panel

gerard-hm opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
No image preview at jlcpcb.com of produced panel

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to jlcpcb.com
  2. Upload gerber files
  3. Wait (takes some time)
  4. See error - no rendered pcb panel board preview

Expected behavior
A rendering of the board should appear

Screen Shot 2022-01-15 at 7 30 11 AM

Additional context

This might be issue on JLCPCB side, their preview rendering had failed me on more complex boards in the past. When I removed most vias from that Gerber files or KiCad project that generated them, preview started to work. When I finally ordered boards design (with all the vias) they came all right, it was just preview stage that was failing
It was 2 years ago, JLC might have improved it or not.