"value" attributes does not work
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In svelte-native attributes "value" does not work. I.e.
The svelte component
<progress maxValue="100" value="50"/>
should display a progressbar which shows 50% progress. But it shows no progress at all as value is ignored (at least on Android).
I used svelte 3.42.5, svelte-native 0.9.7, and nativescript 8.1.1
In the meantime I found out, that the svelte preprocessor handles "value" in a specal way as you can see in its output (this is also the case for example on "" tag):
function create_fragment(ctx) {
const block = {
c: function create() {
page = (0,svelte_internal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.element)("page");
progress = (0,svelte_internal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.element)("progress");
(0,svelte_internal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.attr_dev)(progress, "maxvalue", "100");
progress.value = "50";
(0,svelte_internal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.add_location)(progress, file, 2, 1, 9);
(0,svelte_internal__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.add_location)(page, file, 1, 0, 1);
Also this is strange it is not invalid.
But for some reason the statement progress.value = "50"
does not work...
One more thing: The Online REPL works perfectly fine (the progressbar is displayed correctly and the "value" attribute is not handled differently).
Any hint what is different between the online version and a local installation?