How to change the default browser.
ptitvert opened this issue · 1 comments
I don't know if that is a bug, or a feature or something else.
My question is the following. I have installed today the module "create-elm-app".
I have followed the instructions to create an empty elm app, and start the dev environment.
Everything works wonderfully. I can change the ELM code, and I can see auto-magically the changes in the browser.
My problem is that it opens Google Chrome for the browser, and not my default Browser, which is Firefox.
I know there is the argument : --no-browser to avoid that the browser is automatically started.
So here is my question, how can I change the default browser to be something else than Google Chrome?
I am on macOS Catalina, last update, and if I do a "open" from the CLI, Firefox opens the page, and not Chrome.
Thank you in advance.
Try setting the $BROWSER environment variable.