My own socket messaging protocol. Useful for simple server-client messaging with continuous connection.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


My own Socket Messaging Protocol. Useful for simple server-client messaging with continuous connection. This is not a general solution to any kind of problem. It is basically a document for myself to put things in order from now on...


This protocol should only be used in TCP communication. It is a high-level abstraction in terms of data types. The protocol uses a schema similar to HTTP but it uses YAML serialization to achieve many kind of data transfers.


  • Each message contains header and body parts.
  • Unicode is allowed in any part of the message.
  • SMP supports continous messages because it is already a continous connection.
  • Parted messages point out this property by providing 'cont-part' header field, e.g. i th part has a header field "cont-part":"i"
  • Last part is specified by adding '-end' to this header, e.g. "cont-part":"27-end"
  • Every received part should trigger a part complete callback in implementation. When whole message is received including '-end' part, complete message receive should trigger.


Header can contain information about the client, message itself and connection properties.

  • Header is essentially a map of <String, String> entries.
  • Starts at the beginning of the message, ends with first new line('\n') character.
  • All the header fields that are described in this document are optional.
{"content_length":"26", "id":"login_2", "ack": "login_1"}


As in HTTP, represents the length of the body in terms of bytes. This field is not mandatory because messages are expected to end with a special character anyway. This is for informational purposes only.



A unique identity key that is assigned by the message sender. Essential for acknowledging received messages.



Informs the receiver that this message is an acknowledgement or answer to an earlier message. Field should contain the ID of the message that is being responded to.



Ongoing connections must exchange heartbeats to keep the connection open. This field should only be used in heartbeat messages. It is safe to ignore other headers and body part when 'hb' header is found.


  • Specify the number of heartbeats as value to the field
  • Send heartbeats at each timeout/2 seconds.


Timeout is the maximum interval where no message including heartbeats is transmitted. When timeout is reached, both parties agree that the connection is corrupted and should be terminated by both ends.

Using this field any party can inform the other one that he or she changed the range of timeout interval.

Default: 10 seconds



Describes the format of body. Supported values are:

  • String
  • JSON
  • XML


Carries the actual message. There is no limit to body size but if it exceeds a message, it should be partitioned into multiparts. Body ends with a special line \n%end_body%\n . When this sequence of characters found, the messaging immediately halts and received bytes are packaged into a message to send over a higher level hierarchy.

  • Body should always be encoded with Unicode(UTF-8).
  • Seperated from header with only a new line. This new line is not part of the body. Any new lines or whitespaces afterwards are assumed to be part of the body.

Multi-Part Body

One of the most important specifications of SMP is that it can support multiple communication chains at the same time. Different Q&As can occur simultenously. However, there needs to be a regulation governing multi-part messages. It would be impossible to understand which parts belong to which header.

If a message is long and divided into parts, the message must specify ID field in the header. Remaining parts must also use the same ID in the header. Because TCP is a blocking messaging protocol, parts are not required to be labeled. Each part that is received can be concatenated to form a complete body.


Socket programming is prone to errors. There are different kinds of error ranging from initial connections to timeout exceptions. This standard offers some methods to handle specific errors.


Definition: Occurs when server does not accept new connections.

Action: Client should try again in x seconds. x starts from 1 and doubles at every iteration. When it reaches 64, defaults to 60 and never doubles again.


Definition: Send or receive operation timeouts.

Action: Halt the connection. Disconnect and remove from memory. Should be reinitialized by the client.


Definition: The message is corrupted. Invalid header or missing EOF line after body.

Action: If ID was present and read correctly, send an acknowledgement message.

{"ack": "lol_hope_this_works", "error":"PARSE"}