
MaterialRichText ignores material3 environment

bpappin opened this issue · 2 comments

Dark mode colours and styles are ignored in MaterialRichText version 0.11.0, becasue it does not use the material3 packages.
(note 0.12.0 is out but has broken dependencies).

Here is the code to use with Material 3. This should be in its own module, so that it doesn't pull in the material 2 dependencies.

package com.halilibo.richtext.ui.material

import androidx.compose.material3.LocalContentColor
import androidx.compose.material3.LocalTextStyle
import androidx.compose.material3.ProvideTextStyle
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionLocalProvider
import androidx.compose.runtime.compositionLocalOf
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import com.halilibo.richtext.ui.RichText
import com.halilibo.richtext.ui.RichTextScope
import com.halilibo.richtext.ui.RichTextStyle
import com.halilibo.richtext.ui.RichTextThemeIntegration

 * RichText implementation that integrates with Material 3 design.
 * If the consumer app has small composition trees or only uses RichText in
 * a single place, it would be ideal to call this function instead of wrapping
 * everything under [SetupMaterial3RichText].
public fun Material3RichText(
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
  style: RichTextStyle? = null,
  children: @Composable RichTextScope.() -> Unit
) {
  SetupMaterial3RichText {
      modifier = modifier,
      style = style,
      children = children

 * Wraps the given [child] with Material Theme integration for [RichText].
 * This function also keeps track of the parent context by using CompositionLocals
 * to not apply Material Theming if it already exists in the current composition.
 * If the whole application is written in Compose or contains large Compose trees,
 * it would be ideal to call this function right after applying the Material Theme.
 * Then, calling [Material3RichText] or [RichText] would have no difference.
public fun SetupMaterial3RichText(
  child: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
  val isApplied = LocalMaterialThemingApplied.current

  if (!isApplied) {
      textStyle = { LocalTextStyle.current },
      contentColor = { LocalContentColor.current },
      ProvideTextStyle = { textStyle, content ->
        ProvideTextStyle(textStyle, content)
      ProvideContentColor = { color, content ->
        CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentColor provides color) {
    ) {
      CompositionLocalProvider(LocalMaterialThemingApplied provides true) {
  } else {

private val LocalMaterialThemingApplied = compositionLocalOf { false }

Unfortunately, there is something wrong with the project and I was not able to open it properly to generate a PR for you, so this will have to do.