Support PlantUML within Markdown
paulvi opened this issue · 5 comments
There are several places where PlantUML within markdown is already supported
Code Example
Mardown -> PlnatUML : hello
Please support within this plugin
Currently it does not
OK, so the proposal is to support a wider set of prefix and suffix pairs.
Yes, prefix ```puml
is already used on
But the rest of ```puml line may have some additional parameters,
so actual PlantUML will start on next line.
Within ```puml block can be other type of diagram, not UML,
e.g. @startsalt
and `@endsalt` pair,
or `@startdot` and `@enddot` pair,
so `@startuml` and `@enduml` pair becomes default.
For example a file with extension .puml
and single line
Bob->Alice : hello
is also valid PlantUML document/diagram, isn't it?
It's easier to support special prefixes/suffixes when they're tied to a specific editor or file extension, like md or puml. So if it's OK with you, I'd rather add this as md- and puml-specific rules.
As you prefer