
[Question] Reference for Tinker+08 parameters

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Is there a reference for the Tinker et al parameter values with all the digits used in the code, for instance
In the publication, the numbers are rounded to a couple of digit, consistent with those of the code.

Thank you!

HI @borisbolliet, that's a good question. You'll notice that the fsigma() function used in the code does not quite match the one presented in Tinker+08 (Eq. C2). I have factored out the sigma**-f from inside the brackets. Thus, the given numbers in the code are computed from the table in Tinker+08, and use a higher precision so as to reproduce those results more closely.

I cannot remember if I computed these new values myself, or got them from a code that Tinker provided at some point.

Hi Steven, thanks a lot! I am very sorry I hadn't closed this before !