
Error: Cannot find module 'ssr' Require stack: - /var/runtime/UserFunction.js

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I try to use inertia SSR with sidecar and when i want to show any page i have :

Lambda Execution Exception for Hammerstone\Sidecar\Inertia\SSR: "Error: Cannot find module 'ssr' Require stack: - /var/runtime/UserFunction.js - /var/runtime/Runtime.js - /var/runtime/index.js. [TRACE] Runtime.ImportModuleError: Error: Cannot find module 'ssr' Require stack: - /var/runtime/UserFunction.js".

I read all instructions and now i don't understand this error and what is missing ?

It's my error


I am lost I always have the same error with the demo project I performed these actions

I forgot something to do ?

The solution is to update sidecar because it's buggy on windows