
Creation of more/less accordions

jt234 opened this issue · 7 comments

The number of accordion views is locked to the amount of elements you have in the string array labelled accordion_sections.

To give the developer more flexibility it could be ideal to remove this connection from the string array as I have done.

I was just wondering if there would be any problem in doing this.

My first thought may be a problem with the value returned by getChildCount().

Any thoughts/ideas wouldn't go unnoticed,

Hi jt234,

Thanks for this, need to have a look but it should be fairly simple to be allowed to add more sections in runtime. Recently I added some methods to be allowed to hide sections so maybe that's a temporary options for you (create all what you need, then hide and show on demand).


Hi hamsterready,

I think it would be a nice feature to be able to have the ability, as you have stated, to add more accordion sections programmatically.

I might have a go at creating the encasing <com.sentaca.android.accordion.widget.AccordionView ... > </com.sentaca.android.accordion.widget.AccordionView> programmatically (although I highly doubt this will work, in fact I know it wont) just to see if I can get it to work.

But when it comes to it, I think that the use of your hidden sections will have to be a temporary fix for me.

Thanks for your quick feedback.


After a bit of research and working code I have found that it is more idealistic to utilize the android ExpandableListView. You would be able to create an accordion type view while also being able to create/remove accordion elements programmatically.

Hi jt234,

First version was based on ListView but I have hit some major issues with passing events to ui components added to this kind of accordion. Possibly was doing something wrong :)

i have to create a dynamic Accordian, means each time when accordian will shown it has different number of section.
how could i do it?

@mona2787 have a look at #4 maybe it will work in your case.

At the moment I have no time to add this - but should be doable... will try to fix it sooner or later.

Thanks hamsterready,
my problem has been solved.

 SharedPreferences savedSession = context.getSharedPreferences(Claims_Section, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);       
 String sectionArr=savedSession.getString(SECTION_ARRAY,"") ;
  //sectionHeaders = getResources().getStringArray(sectionHeadersResourceId);

and modified the children layout .

thanks a lot for such a wonderful code.