
logger filter is not effective on keys in an array

ablce9 opened this issue · 2 comments

While working with logging sensitive data in arrays, filter: %w[password] is not working.

data comes like this👇

{ items: [ { password: 'password1'}, { password: 'password2'} ] }

Code below from Hanami logger docs

Hanami.configure do
  # ...
  environment :development do
    logger level: :debug, filter: %w[credit_card.number]

only works for deep hashes.

[bookshelf] [INFO] [2017-08-11 18:43:04 +0200] HTTP/1.1 PATCH 200 ::1 /billing 2 {"billing"=>{"name"=>"Luca", "address"=>{"street"=>"Centocelle", "number"=>"23", "city"=>"Rome"}, "credit_card"=>{"number"=>"[FILTERED]"}}} 0.009782

However, the documentation doesn't really state the case where keys are in the array. I do understand a cost it takes to filter out every single key BUT I really appreciate if there is an option for filter the key in arrays.

What if credit_card comes with an array??

number should be filtered as expected.

[bookshelf] [INFO] [2017-08-11 18:43:04 +0200] HTTP/1.1 PATCH 200 ::1 /billing 2 {"billing"=>{"name"=>"Luca", "address"=>{"street"=>"Centocelle", "number"=>"23", "city"=>"Rome"}, "credit_cards"=>[{"number"=>"not filtered!!","some_key":"This one should not be filtered"}]}} 0.009782

filter: %w[credit_cards] generally works but in most cases, another keys exist.

Hi, it is true, when build the paths to compare them with the filters, it doesn't contemplate iterating in the arrays.

def _key_paths(hash, base = nil)
hash.inject([]) do |results, (k, v)|
results + (_key_paths?(v) ? _key_paths(v, _build_path(base, k)) : [_build_path(base, k)])

Maybe it could be contemplated in the following way:

What do you think about it?

Fixed by #389