
Jivejdon is a Domain Driven Design complex example powered by jdonframework

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Jivejdon is a full DDD example powered by jdonframework it has running for over ten years at: https://www.jdon.com/forum

Use Case


DDD Aggregate Model


Clean architecture



OUTSIDE < - > transformer < - >(application < - > domain)

in jivejdon:

View/Jsp(OUTSIDE) ---> models.xml(transfomer) ---> ForumMessage
---->Domain Events -----> Repository

resource file models.xml is adapter, connect View/Action to Domain model:

	<model key="messageId"
			<actionForm name="messageForm"/>
				<service ref="forumMessageService">
					<initMethod   name="initMessage"/>
					<getMethod    name="findMessage"/>
					<createMethod name="createTopicMessage"/>
					<updateMethod name="updateMessage"/>
					<deleteMethod name="deleteMessage"/>

when update a message, the message.jsp will call updateMethod's value defined in models.xml; so it will actually call forumMessageService's updateMessage:

public interface ForumMessageService {

	void updateMessage(EventModel em) throws Exception;

forumMessageService will delegate to aggregate roots: ForumMessage(topic), ForumMessage has two types: Topic and Rely, one Topic is a root message and has many reply messages, all messages compose a Thread(ForumThread),ForumThread is a aggregate root entity too! there are two aggregate roots in jivejdon.

ForumMessage's update method:

	public void update(ForumMessage newForumMessageInputparamter) {
		try {

			ForumThread forumThread = this.getForumThread();

			if (newForumMessageInputparamter.getForum() != null) {
				Long newforumId = newForumMessageInputparamter.getForum().getForumId();
				if (newforumId != null && getForum().getForumId() != newforumId) {
					forumThread.moveForum(this, newForumMessageInputparamter.getForum());
			// save this updated message to db
			eventSourcing.saveMessage(new MessageUpdatedEvent(newForumMessageInputparamter));
//			this.applyFilters();
		} catch (Exception e) {
			System.err.print(" updateMessage error:" + e + this.messageId);

@OnCommand("updateForumMessage") annotation is a command handler in pub-sub model, that is from jdon frmaework. here it is a single-writer pattern, no blocked, no lock, high concurrent! any time there is a one thread calling this update method of a ForumMessage.

"eventSourcing.saveMessage" will send a Domain Event to Infrastructure layer such as Repository.



  1. mvn package
  2. docker build -t jivejdondb -f Dockerfile.db .
  3. docker run -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 jivejdondb
  4. docker build -t jivejdonweb -f Dockerfile.web .
  5. docker run -p 8080:8080 jivejdonweb

browser : http://$DOCKER_HOST_IP:8080


english: doc/install_en.txt

chinese: doc/install_cn.txt