
Embedding youtube video on a page

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi all,

I can not embed a video from YouTube in a page. I use the classic integration (with iframe) and video works correctly in a browser. But when I go through friar/android sdk the video does not appear as if it was offline, yet my Nexus 7 is connected to wi-fi.

What is the procedure to embed a video from youtube in a book with Friar?

Thank you very much!

Nobody can help me?

I noticed the same problem. May it work when the app is released? I thought it was a problem of the simulator.

Has anyone come up with a solution?
I'm experiencing the same problem. I'm debugging on a galaxy note 3 (4.4.2) and the only thing I can see is a message saying that the url is unavailable.
Minimum sdk is 8 so I can't use hardwareAccelerated='true' in my manifest.

For see a video on html5 hardwareAccelerated is needed... You can try this:

Make sure that you have<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> in manifest.xml

Use the youtube old insertion code, example:
`<param name="movie"
value="http://www.youtube.com/v/"here is your video id"?version=3&hl=pt_BR&rel=0">


And add this settings to the web view:
