
new features

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I would like to know what are your plans with Friar, will you maintain it, will you add more features to keep the same functionality's as Baker ?

If someone propose you to add new features, is it something possible?
If yes, under which terms?

I'm trying to maintain it as best as possible - I created Friar to meet my
modest needs and it has been successful. However, I realize that others may
have more requirements, but that's the beauty of open source; anyone can
take it and make it better. As a result, I won't actively follow Baker's
features, but if someone requests a Baker feature that is not currently in
Friar I'll try my best to make it compatible, time permitting.

Please keep in mind that Android and iOS are very different operating
systems with different security protocols and hardware; as a result, there
are some things that I cannot easily make compatible.

The most glaring example is Laker Compendium's tap navigation - since it
uses a client side include JavaScript which Android does not support, the
menu does not work in Android. See
#12 (comment) for more

I am available for consulting to help complete an Android application. My
rate is $2000 USD per work week (Monday through Friday) and I will be
solely working on your project during every week and available during at
least an 8 hour timeframe of your choosing that I am engaged. My only
condition is that generic features should be allowed to be incorporated
back into Friar as open source.

Hope that helps!

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 6:17 PM, Benoît Chantre notifications@github.comwrote:

I would like to know what are your plans with Friar, will you maintain it,
will you add more features to keep the same functionality's as Baker ?

If someone propose you to add new features, is it something possible?
If yes, under which terms?

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@hanchang, thanks for your detailed answer.