
Shelf, to download multiple editions of the same magazine

Opened this issue · 5 comments


In Baker Framework they have a shelf where automatically appears the new editions of a magazine, it loads from a JSON in a remote server, which lists all HPUBs the user can download without having to update the app in the AppStore.

Is this feature supported by Friar Framework? Is there an alternative for it?


This feature isn't currently in Friar but I can try to add it when I get
some time.

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 3:41 PM, Andrei Regiani notifications@github.comwrote:


In Baker Framework they have a shelf where automatically appears the new
editions of a magazine, it loads from a JSON in a remote server, which
lists all HPUBs the user can download without having to update the app in
the AppStore.

Is this feature supported by Friar Framework? Is there an alternative for


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yes, this is the feature I am looking for

I also think this would be a great feature!

I agree too

Also agrees