Moovie Application

Welcome to your Next.js application! This README provides an overview of how to run your application locally and deploy it using PM2 for production.

Local Development

To run your Next.js application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Install Dependencies: Run the following command to install the required dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Start the Development Server: Once the dependencies are installed, start the development server with the following command:

    npm run dev

Your Next.js application should now be running locally. You can access it in your web browser at http://localhost:3000.

Production Deployment with PM2

To deploy your Next.js application in a production environment using PM2, follow these steps:

  1. Install PM2 (if not already installed): Run the following command to install PM2 globally:

    npm install pm2@latest -g
  2. Start the Next.js Application with PM2: Run the following command to start your Next.js application with PM2:

    npm run start-prod

Your Next.js application is now running in a production environment managed by PM2. The "start-prod" script in your package.json file executes the build process (npm run build) and then starts the application with PM2 (pm2 start npm --name "bnc-moovie" -- start).

Additional Resources