
serialize working right?

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Here is a codesandbox illustrating problem. Basically serialize does not output what I expect.

I am using this markdown (basically same from README, but with an image):

# Heading one

## Heading two

### Heading three

#### Heading four

##### Heading five

###### Heading six

Normal paragraph

_italic text_

**bold text**

~~strike through text~~



> A block quote.

- bullet list item 1
- bullet list item 2

1. ordered list item 1
1. ordered list item 2

Here are my 2 functions:

import { unified } from 'unified'
import remarkSlate, { serialize } from 'remark-slate'
import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'

// turn AST into MD
export const deserialize = src => {
  const { result } = unified()
  return result

// turn MD into AST
export { serialize }

If I run this:

const deserialized = deserialize(plainMd)
console.log({ deserialized, serialized: deserialized.map((v) => serialize(v)).join('') })

I get

# Heading one
## Heading two
### Heading three
#### Heading four
##### Heading five
###### Heading six
Normal paragraph
_italic text_
**bold text**
~~strike through text~~

> A block quote.

- bullet list item 1
- bullet list item 2

1. ordered list item 1
1. ordered list item 2

for serialized. It's missing image and the formatting is wrong.

and deserialized looks like this:
Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 10 12 38 AM


Mac M1 running 13.3.1
Node v20.0.0
Npm 9.6.4

"remark-slate": "^1.8.6"
slate": "^0.94.1"
"unified": "^10.1.2"
"remark-parse": "^10.0.2"

Am I doing something wrong?