implementation error
Closed this issue · 3 comments
troy12x commented
Hello there so iwas trying to implementation "com.hendraanggrian.appcompat:socialview:0.2" but igot an error
Failed to resolve: com.hendraanggrian.appcompat:socialview-commons:0.2
Failed to resolve: com.hendraanggrian.appcompat:socialview:0.2
iwant to fix this error pls
enesarisoy commented
yep i have the same problem
enesarisoy commented
i solved it. All u need to do add this code to build.gradle
and synchronize.
allprojects { repositories { jcenter() } }
hanggrian commented
is deprecated. What you need to do is allprojects { repositories { maven { url = '' } } }
and use version 0.1-SNAPSHOT
In the future it will be replaced with allprojects { repositories { mavenCentral() } }