
[suggestion] Merge FlickRaw::Flickr into FlickRaw

Closed this issue · 2 comments

...Then we can call FlickRaw.new instead of FlickRaw::Flickr.new

Also, how about auto-translating Flickr's camel-case endpoints into more idiomatic underscore methods.

E.g. flickr.photos.get_recent_photos, instead of flickr.photos.getRecentPhotos

1- Fine
2- I think I prefer to keep the same name as on flickr documentation. Also I think it is better to not break people's code by renaming functions.

  1. Ok cool I'll have a look at making a PR. BTW, I noticed that the Flickr gem is obsolete. If I can make contact with the maintainers (and persuade them), would you be interested in taking over the Flickr namespace?

  2. I figured that because we've already broken backwards compatibility with v1.0.0, this would be a good (and only) opportunity to make changes like this. But that's not a problem if you want to keep things the way they are.