
FlickRaw::FlickrAppNotConfigured (No API key defined!)

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When using with Rails 5.2 , Ruby 2.5.1
I get FlickRaw::FlickrAppNotConfigured (No API key defined!)
although FLICKRAW_API_KEY, FLICKRAW_SHARED_SECRET are setup properly

Can you check which version of FlickRaw you're using? I'm assuming you're on v0.9.9.

The documentation currently visible on GitHub is for an unreleased version (v1.0.0) which automatically uses ENV variables, but v0.9.9 does not. You'll need to explicitly set the two variables as per this earlier version of the documentation: https://github.com/hanklords/flickraw/tree/26f350083ee2f5e53cd2f7990af1b3812075c4e5