
Cannot create new Flickr object (ArgumentError)

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I just installed the gem for my rails project. I have stored my keys as environment variables. I tried creating a new object with both
flickr = FlickRaw::Flickr.new "MY_API_KEY_HERE", "SECRET_KEY_HERE"
flickr = FlickRaw::Flickr.new
, but both returned errors (ArgumentError and FlickRaw::FlickrAppNotConfigured respectively).

The documentation you see at the head of the master branch does not match the version of the gem you're using. I assume you're using 0.9.10? The documentation for that is here: https://github.com/hanklords/flickraw/tree/V0.9.10

The documentation you see at the head of the master branch does not match the version of the gem your using. I assume you're using 0.9.10? The documentation for that is here: https://github.com/hanklords/flickraw/tree/V0.9.10

Yes, you are right. Thank you.