
Hi~ I have upload image problem

Closed this issue · 2 comments

hello hanklords~

Thanks for your flickr lib ,
When I use upload method , I have a problem as below

ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)):
  app/controllers/news_controller.rb:72:in `upload_photo'

This is my upload.html.haml

 =form_tag ({:action => :upload_photo},:multipart => true )do 
 = hidden_field_tag :token, @upload_info[:token] 
 = label_tag "Upload Photo" 
 = file_field_tag :photo 
 = submit_tag "Upload Photo" 

And My controller is

 def upload_photo
  flickr.upload_photo params[:photo] ,:title => "Title", :description => "This is the description"

Sorry to bother you ,
If it is possible , maybe a easy demo will help novice like me ~ thanks

like youtube_it :
Example Rails 3 App
You can get an example how you can use youtube_it with Rails 3 here: github.com/chebyte/youtube_it_rails_app_example

Hello Aloha,

You have several example in examples. There is no rails, but there is a sinatra example.
For you code, I suspect a collision with your controller which is named flickr or something and not Flickraw object.


Thanks for your reply~

I will try to solve this problem!