
Token rejected problem in auth flow.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I direct user to the URL generated by

flickr.get_request_token :oauth_callback => flickr_callback_image_import_url

After authorizing user is sent to this callback action

  def flickr_callback
    token = FlickRaw::Flickr.new.get_request_token :oauth_callback => flickr_callback_image_import_url
    raw_token = flickr.get_access_token(token['oauth_token'], token['oauth_token_secret'], params[:oauth_verifier])

I get a 'token rejected' response from the flickr.get_access_token call every time. Can someone point me towards what I am doing wrong? I'd really appreciate it.

Hello trafnar,

Please look at the example with sinatra : https://github.com/hanklords/flickraw/blob/master/examples/sinatra.rb

At first glance in your code, it seems you should not do a get_request_token before get_access_token.

Thanks for your response. In the Sinatra example get_request_token is called initially and stored in the session before the callback is executed which runs get_access_token using the token generated previously by get_request_token. Am I misunderstanding something there?

The process is :

  1. get_request_token
  2. get_authorize_url
  3. get_access_token

Did you try the offline method (without a callback) described in the README and in auth.rb ?

Thanks for your help. I was able to get authentication to work.