
Illogical argument error when using photos.search with contacts argument

Closed this issue · 3 comments

This is the call I'm making:

photos = flickr.photos.search(:user_id => 'me', :license => 4, :faves => 1, :contacts => "all")

it's the :contacts bit that does it; if i leave that off, it's fine. granted, your documentation says this:

Search your contacts. Either ‘all’ or ‘ff’ for just friends and family. (Experimental)

I also tried "ff" instead of "all" as mentioned in the docs, but the same error happens. This would be a really useful feature. I tried using the Pry debugger to see why in api.rb it was failing, but didn't get far.

/Users/dominick/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p385/gems/flickraw-0.9.6/lib/flickraw/api.rb:127:in `process_response': 'flickr.photos.search' - Illogical arguments (FlickRaw::FailedResponse)
    from /Users/dominick/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p385/gems/flickraw-0.9.6/lib/flickraw/api.rb:54:in `call'
    from (eval):3:in `search'
    from flickraw_test.rb:75:in `get_creative_common_faves'
    from flickraw_test.rb:92:in `<main>'

Illogical is that you want to find your own photos (:user_id => 'me') that are at the same time photos by your contacts (:contacts => "all"). As soon as you are not your own contact, there is a contradiction.

And this a Flickr API error response, not a Flickraw error.

I agree, this is an API issue.

ahh, sorry, don't know what i must've been thinking. thanks for the response and explanation!