
make it work like an actuall thermostat?

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is there a tutorial or something to make it work? all i've managed it to do, is switch on/off at every change in temperature setting. and i dont even know if it will turn on/off when the temperature is reached.

i just want it to be a thermostat and controll my aeon labs micro switch. theres gotta be something i'm missing here?!

forgot the model. its a SRT321

The way I have set mine up is via Groups in Advanced Settings in the SRT321 in Homey.

First I get the unit ID of each device that I want to be controlled:

Open the Homey app
Click the unit that you want to be controlled
Click the cog wheel in the top right corner
Click Advanced Settings
Scroll down to Unit information for Z-Wave
Take note of the Unit Id

Then I add those Unit Id's to the SRT321 under Group 3

Open the Homey app
Click the SRT321 icon
Click the cog wheel in the top right corner
Click Advanced Settings
Under Group 3, you can add a comma separated list of the unit id's of the units that you want to be controlled. Example: 37,38

Hope that helps!