
Typing Break for elementary os

Primary LanguageVala



A typing monitor and typing break application for elementary os inspired by drwright.

After i could not get drwright running on elementaryos I decided to port it and learn vala/ elementary development by this means.

Dependencies (elementary loki / ubuntu 16.04)

# apt install libgranite-dev libwingpanel-2.0-dev

Compile / Install

$ make
$ make indicator
$ sudo make install


TypeBreaker is configured via GSettings in path com.github.hannenz.typebreaker.settings or via the settings dialog from the wingpanel indicator

List available keys

$ gsettings list-keys com.github.hannenz.typebreaker.settings

At the moment these are:

  • break-time: Duration of the break in seconds

  • warn-time: When to notify before break - in seconds

  • postpone-time: Time when postponing

  • postpones-count: Allow n postpones

  • active-time: Duration of non-idle time in seconds

e.g. set break time to 10 Minutes

$ gsettings set com.github.hannenz.typebreaker break-time 600

or use dconf-editor