
Set timezone to Europe/Berlin

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Currently, we're using UTC for DTSTART and DTEND. This results in problems regarding summer and winter time. We should change that. This also requires the use of VTIMEZONE.

The actual problem isn't the timezone we're using but the calculation of beginning_of_week. The time span has to be added first, then the beginning of the week has to be determined.

However, this leads to another issue. Currently, the change from summer to winter time is happening next weekend. Around midnight, this might lead to an issue where the wrong week is selected for a week of courses. Fixing #1 should also fix this issue since we wouldn't depend anymore on the current date to calculate the date of a future event. At least I hope this will fix it...

With 79f29c2, the timezone of the courses is set to Europe/Berlin anyway since that makes more sense. (Although it doesn't solve the problem with the one hour offset.)

The offset issue should be fixed with 791b19a.