
Fatal Error trying Poincare Map

Bruntonian opened this issue · 11 comments


I recently wanted to try creating a Poincare Map and ran into issues. I then attempted to follow the Poincare Map example verbatim, and got the following error(s) upon running this line:

Nsim = 10
with Pool() as pool:
    res = pool.map(runone,range(Nsim))
Fatal error! Exiting now. Variational gravity calculation not yet implemented.

Fatal error! Exiting now. Variational gravity calculation not yet implemented.

Fatal error! Exiting now. Variational gravity calculation not yet implemented.

Fatal error! Exiting now. Variational gravity calculation not yet implemented.
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[15], line 3
      1 Nsim = 10
      2 with Pool() as pool:
----> 3     res = pool.map(runone,range(Nsim))

File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/multiprocess/pool.py:367, in Pool.map(self, func, iterable, chunksize)
    362 def map(self, func, iterable, chunksize=None):
    363     '''
    364     Apply `func` to each element in `iterable`, collecting the results
    365     in a list that is returned.
    366     '''
--> 367     return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()

File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/multiprocess/pool.py:768, in ApplyResult.get(self, timeout)
    767 def get(self, timeout=None):
--> 768     self.wait(timeout)
    769     if not self.ready():
    770         raise TimeoutError

File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/multiprocess/pool.py:765, in ApplyResult.wait(self, timeout)
    764 def wait(self, timeout=None):
--> 765     self._event.wait(timeout)

File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/threading.py:655, in Event.wait(self, timeout)
    653 signaled = self._flag
    654 if not signaled:
--> 655     signaled = self._cond.wait(timeout)
    656 return signaled

File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/threading.py:355, in Condition.wait(self, timeout)
    353 try:    # restore state no matter what (e.g., KeyboardInterrupt)
    354     if timeout is None:
--> 355         waiter.acquire()
    356         gotit = True
    357     else:


Rebound Version: 4.4.1
Python 3.12.2
macOS sonoma 14.6.1

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Ian. That's strange. I've tried it just now (latest REBOUND version, macOS sonoma 14.6.1, but Python 3.9.6). It works for me. It looks like there was a Keyboard Interrupt, If you didn't do that then I'm not sure what could be the problem. Try running the example without the multiprocessing part, just by doing it in serial. It'll be a bit slower, but it should help to narrow down the problem.

Hi Hanno, thanks for the quick reply. I did a keyboard interrupt because I was getting the fatal error message one-by-one so stopped it. Like below:

Screenshot 2024-08-31 at 4 15 39 PM

Just also tried without the multiprocessing part (I think I did it correctly) and my kernel died and had to restart, so not really sure.


Hm. And just to confirm, you didn’t make any changes to the notebook?

Yup, I just copy-pasted from the example page to start.

Did you install Rebound from source? If so it could be that you did an upgrade and still need to do another pip install.

I did, have since tried reinstalling but still no luck so I'm wondering it may just be something else on my end. I'm going to keep trying some different things and will update if I find a solution.

Strange. Maybe you can post the full code here?

Sorry do you mean the full code for the Poincare Map? Because for right now I have just copied and pasted verbatim from the Poincare Map Example on the rebound site:

import rebound
import numpy as np
import warnings

sim = rebound.Simulation()

def migrationForce(reb_sim):
    tau = 40000.
    ps[2].ax -= ps[2].vx/tau
    ps[2].ay -= ps[2].vy/tau
    ps[2].az -= ps[2].vz/tau

sim.additional_forces = migrationForce
ps = sim.particles



def hyper(sim):
    dp = sim.particles[2]-sim.particles[0]
    return dp.x*dp.vx + dp.y*dp.vy

def mod2pi(x):
    if x>np.pi:
        return mod2pi(x-2.*np.pi)
    if x<-np.pi:
        return mod2pi(x+2.*np.pi)
    return x

def runone(args):
    i = args             # integer numbering the run
    N_points_max = 2000  # maximum number of point in our Poincare Section
    N_points = 0
    poincare_map = np.zeros((N_points_max,2))
    # setting up simulation from binary file
    import warnings # ignore warning for function pointers
    sim = rebound.Simulation("resonant_system.bin")
    vx = 0.97+0.06*(float(i)/float(Nsim))
    sim.particles[2].vx *= vx
    sim.t = 0.            # reset time to 0
    # Integrate simulation in small intervals
    # After each interval check if we crossed the 
    # hypersurface. If so, bisect until we hit the 
    # hypersurface exactly up to a precision
    # of dt_epsilon
    dt = 0.13
    dt_epsilon = 0.001
    sign = hyper(sim)
    while sim.t<15000. and N_points < N_points_max:
        oldt = sim.t
        olddt = sim.dt
        nsign = hyper(sim)
        if sign*nsign < 0.:
            # Hyper surface crossed.
            leftt = oldt
            rightt = sim.t
            sim.dt = -olddt
            while (rightt-leftt > dt_epsilon):
                # Bisection.
                midt = (leftt+rightt)/2.
                msign = hyper(sim)
                if msign*sign > 0.:
                    leftt = midt
                    sim.dt = 0.3*olddt
                    rightt = midt
                    sim.dt = -0.3*olddt
            # Hyper surface found up to precision of dt_epsilon.
            # Calculate orbital elements
            o = sim.orbits()
            # Check if we cross hypersurface in one direction or the other.
            if o[1].d<o[1].a:
                # Calculate resonant angle phi and its time derivative 
                tp = np.pi*2.
                phi = mod2pi(o[0].l-2.*o[1].l+o[1].omega+o[1].Omega)
                phid = (tp/o[0].P-2.*tp/o[1].P)/(tp/o[0].P)
                # Store value for map
                poincare_map[N_points] = [phi,phid]
                N_points += 1
            sim.dt = olddt
        sign = nsign
    # Rerun to calculate Megno
    sim = rebound.Simulation("resonant_system.bin")
    vx = 0.97+0.06*(float(i)/float(Nsim))
    sim.particles[2].vx *= vx
    sim.t = 0.            # reset time to 0
    sim.init_megno()      # adds variational particles and initialized MEGNO
    return (poincare_map, sim.megno(),vx)

from multiprocess import Pool

Nsim = 10
with Pool() as pool:
    res = pool.map(runone,range(Nsim))

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.set_xlabel("$\phi$"); ax.set_ylabel("$\dot{\phi}$")
ax.set_xlim([-np.pi,np.pi]); ax.set_ylim([-0.06,0.1])
for m, megno, vx in res:
    c = np.empty(len(m[:,0])); c.fill(megno)
    p = ax.scatter(m[:,0],m[:,1],marker=".",c=c, vmin=1.4, vmax=3,  s=25,edgecolor='none',  cmap="brg")
cb = plt.colorbar(p, ax=ax)
cb.set_label("MEGNO $<Y>$")

Was just trying to replicate that.

Thanks. I wast just trying to make sure nothing got accidentally changed. This works for me. I suspect there is something wrong with the installation on your end. All I can suggest is:

  • create a new virtual environment
  • install the latest version of rebound in the new virtual environment

Ok, thanks Hanno. So I just reinstalled everything from the ground up and restarted my computer this time and miraculously it now works. Not entirely sure what I did different than before, but alas, it is now working. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the help.

No worries and glad it works now! It can be tricky sometimes to figure out which package python is actually using... (been there myself!)