Device detected correctly but shows "No response" (LYWSD03MMC + RPi Zero W)
ema07cqc opened this issue · 1 comments
ema07cqc commented
Current Behavior
My device (LYWSD03MMC) is detected correctly but it shows "No response" in the Home App. Tried restarting server and device. Im using a Raspberry Zero W with the Official Homebridge Image.
- homebridge:
- homebridge-mi-hygrothermograph:
- node:
- OS: iOS 15.1
"name": "Bathroom",
"address": "A4:C1:38:8C:E2:05",
"temperatureName": "Temperature",
"humidityName": "Humidity",
"fakeGatoEnabled": false,
"timeout": 15,
"forceDiscovering": true,
"forceDiscoveringDelay": 2500,
"disableBatteryLevel": false,
"lowBattery": 10,
"temperatureOffset": 0,
"humidityOffset": 0,
"bindKey": "bb022e0936341559e481b1204d63ca54",
"accessory": "Hygrotermograph"
Homebridge Log / Command Output
[10/12/2021, 22:43:39] Loaded plugin: homebridge-mi-hygrothermograph@3.1.0
[10/12/2021, 22:44:01] Registering accessory 'homebridge-mi-hygrothermograph.Hygrotermograph'
[10/12/2021, 22:44:01] ---
[10/12/2021, 22:44:01] Loading 1 platforms...
[10/12/2021, 22:44:01] [Config] Initializing config platform...
[10/12/2021, 22:44:01] [Config] Running in Service Mode
[10/12/2021, 22:44:02] Loading 1 accessories...
[10/12/2021, 22:44:02] [Bathroom] Initializing Hygrotermograph accessory...
Thanks for the help. Very nice project.
ema07cqc commented
Well, it started to work after 30 minutes. Thanks!!!! Great plugin.