
Python 调用 C++ | iqhy's Blog

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Python 的代码优雅而实用,但是经常会遇到性能问题,这时可以使用 C/C++ 重写几个函数来解决,这样就同时兼顾了开发效率和性能。

I wanna know how to comment

OK, so I comment here and the website has the same words.....

OK, so don't forget that : when you try to build *.pyx file. don't mix tabs and spaces. otherwise, the error will be like complieError: PyRectangle.pyx Mix use tabs and spaces

Also, you can add the second Extension in the "setup.py" , just copy the same format of the first Extension, the comma after the last ')' can be there or not, seems whatever

All my experience trying these two examples.

Thanks for sharing your experience. Are you unable to leave a comment on my website? Maybe there is a problem with the comment plugin.

@iqhy yeah, can not leave messages. I comment in GitHub website

@iqhy since you know how to use the c++ class in python script, maybe you have experience in debugging them both? like, mix debug in Visual Studio or any other IDE?

@pokjnb Okay, I will try to fix it. My codes is not so complicated, so I just debug in pure c++, and then in python. By the way, there is a tutorial to debug them both in Visual Studio, but I didn't try it.

also, if you want to read the value in the black window, you should add the -i option to the Interpreter Arguments of this project. By the way, print(rect.get_area) can not see the value, change it to print(rect.get_area())

@iqhy I read that article, but it did not work. 😭

@pokjnb I am also not familiar with it. Maybe you can save the inputs in a file in python, and read them in c++ as I do. This simple method works for me.😂