A simple library for handling docker commands with python.
- pip install --upgrade DockerBuildSystem
- Include DockerBuildSystem tools:
from DockerBuildSystem import DockerComposeTools, DockerImageTools, DockerSwarmTools, TerminalTools, VersionTools
- Merge, build and run docker-compose.*.yml files:
composeFiles = [
mergedComposeFile = "docker-compose.generated.dev.yml"
DockerComposeTools.MergeComposeFiles(composeFiles, mergedComposeFile)
- Push and pull images in docker-compose.*.yml files, including additional
composeFiles = [
DockerComposeTools.PublishDockerImagesWithNewTag(composeFiles, 'latest')
- Execute test projects in Docker containers and raise exception if container exits with error code due to failing tests:
composeFiles = [
testContainerNames = [
DockerComposeTools.ExecuteComposeTests(composeFiles, testContainerNames)
- Load set of specific environment variables from a
- Export top-most version from CHANGELOG.md file (see the example folder) as an environment variable:
VersionTools.ExportVersionFromChangelogToEnvironment("path_to/CHANGELOG.md", "version")
- Optionally export versionmajor and versionminor based on the top-most version from CHANGELOG.md file as an environment variable:
VersionTools.ExportVersionFromChangelogToEnvironment("path_to/CHANGELOG.md", "version", "versionmajor", "versionminor")
- to use the DockerComposeTools.PromoteDockerImages functionality, provide the following parameters:
- composeFile - the compose file containing theimages that should be promoted
- targetTags - the tags you want to use when you push the image to the new feed
- sourceFeed - the feed you want to pull the images from (should match the compose file)
- targetFeed - the feed you want to push to
- user - used for authenticating to sourceFeed and targetFeed
- password - used for authenticating to sourceFeed and targetFeed
- dryRun - boolean. True if you want to do a dryRun, i.e. print what would have happened
Please have a look at an example of use here:
- Docker:
- Install Dependencies:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- The pip package may be located at:
- Configure setup.py with new version.
- Install build tools:
pip install twine wheel
- Build: python setup.py bdist_wheel
- Check: twine check dist/*
- Publish: twine upload dist/*
- Build: python setup.py bdist_wheel
- Install from local file with force-reinstall and no-cache-dir options to force reinstallation when you have changed the code without changing the version number:
python -m pip install path\to\yourgitrepo\DockerBuildSystem\dist\DockerBuildSystem-1.1.43-py2.py3-none-any.whl --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir
- python -m unittest discover -p Test.py