
vcredist2008.iss broken link

Opened this issue · 1 comments

When running the exe, it attempts to download vcredist_x86.exe. The URL defined appears to be outdated 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/1/1/1116b75a-9ec3-481a-a3c8-1777b5381140/vcredist_x86.exe' (might be mistyped, I had already updated the iss file). Installer will not proceed after receiving the 404 error.

I'm very junior, but thinking it should be updated to 'https://download.microsoft.com/download/5/D/8/5D8C65CB-C849-4025-8E95-C3966CAFD8AE/vcredist_x86.exe'

Same here: Intalled all dependencies manually but the screencap installer doesn't let me proceed. Tried it on two machines.