
Code for "Towards Scale-Invariant Graph-related Problem Solving by Iterative Homogeneous GNNs" (NeurIPS 2020)

Primary LanguagePython

Iterative Homogeneous GNNs

This repo contains a pytorch implementation of the method introduced in the paper:

Towards Scale-Invariant Graph-related Problem Solving by Iterative Homogeneous Graph Neural Networks
Hao Tang, Zhiao Huang,Jiayuan Gu, Bao-Liang Lu, Hao Su
NeurIPS 2020

Please see our paper and the short intro video for more details.




We provide a docker image: haotang95/itergnn:main , and a requirements.txt for conda.
The docker image is built upon pytorch/1.1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7.5-devel . Please follow the guidance and tutorials of Pytorch for the usage of dockers.

The concrete environments are listed as follows:

  • Torch-geometric 1.3.2
  • Torch-scatter 1.4.0
  • Pytorch 1.1.0
  • CUDA 10.0
  • CuDNN 7.5.1

Train & Test

To train the model, we run

python train.py <training-dataset-param> <model-param>

To test the model on graphs with larger node numbers, we run

python test.py <training-dataset-param> <model-param> <testing-dataset-param> <max-iteration-num>

To test the model on graphs with larger edge weights, we run

python test_weighted.py <training-dataset-param> <model-param> <training-dataset-param><max-iteration-num>

For example, to reproduce the results of IterHomoGNN on the unweighted shortest path problem with Lobster as the generator, we need to run

python train.py lobster-unweighted DecIterGNN30-HomoPathSimConv-Max 
python test.py lobster-unweighted DecIterGNN30-HomoPathSimConv-Max lobster-unweighted-500 10000

In detail, the dataset parameters are defined as <generator>-<weighted-flag>-<size>, where <generator> has four choices: lobster, knn, mesh, random, each corresponding to the Lobster, KNN, Planar, and Erdos-Renyi generators in the paper. The <weighted-flag> has two choices: weighted and unweighted, each corresponding to the weighted graphs and the unweighted graphs. The <size> contains only one integer, indicating the graph sizes, i.e., the number of nodes in the graph.

The model parameters are defined as <architecture>-<layer>-<readout>-<module-num>, where

  • <architecture> is defined as <architecture-name><max-iter-num>, where <architecture-name> specifies which GNN architecture to use, while <max-iter-num> specifies the maximum of the number of iterations during training. For example, DecIterGNN30 means that we use IterGNN with the decaying confidence mechanism and the maximum iteration number during training is 30. Other popular choices include DeepGNN30, which means stacking 30 GNN layers, and SharedDeepGNN30 , which means iterating the same GNN layer for 30 times. The concrete definitions are listed in models/gnn_architecture.py .
  • <layer> is defined as <homo-flag><layer-name>, where <layer-name> specifies which GNN layer to use. We support classical GNN layers, such as GCNConv, GATConv, and GINConv, implemented by pytorch-geometric, as well as the three variants of PathGNN, i.e. MPNNMaxConv, PathConv, and PathSimConv. The <homo-flag> has three choices, i.e., Homo, SHomo, and (empty string), each corresponding to "the whole model uses the homogeneous prior", "only the GNN parts use the homogeneous prior" (i.e. semi-homogeneous), and "Not using the homogeneous prior". The concrete definitions are listed in models/gnn_layers.py .
  • <readout> defines which readout function to use. We support classical max/min/sum/mean poolings, as well as those attention-based poolings, as defined in models/gnn_aggregation.py .
  • <module-num> is optional and is an integer. The default is one. It indicates how many GNN-architectures we stack in one model. For example, DecIterGNN30-MPNNMaxConv-Max-2 means that we stack two DecIterGNN (maximum-iteration-num=30) with MPNNMaxConv as the GNN layer (no homogeneous piror is applied), and the max pooling as the readout function, while building the model. In our experiments, we set module-num to two only when solving the component counting problem.

For the training dataset parameter, the size assignment is ignored. We always train models on graphs with $[4,34)$ nodes. During testing, the <max-iteration-num> argument rewrites the maximum-iteration-number defined in the <model-parameter>. We usually set it to an extremely large number for IterGNNs and set it to be the same as graph sizes for SharedDeepGNNs.

Analyze & Evaluation

Note that we generate new datasets for each run of the codes. So, there is no need to split datasets into training/validation/test datasets. Instead, we use test.py and best_parameters.py to tune the hyper-parameters. We can run

python best_parameters.py <testing-dataset-param>

to compare the performance of different models. And then, to report the performance of the specific best model (i.e., which achieves the best performance), we can run

python test_model.py <training-dataset-param> <model-param> <testing-dataset-param> <max-iteration-num> <model-path>

, where <model-path> points to the .pth file which stores the parameters of the best model.


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Towards Scale-Invariant Graph-related Problem Solving by Iterative Homogeneous GNNs},
  author={Tang, Hao and Huang, Zhiao and Gu, Jiayuan and Lu, Baoliang and Su, Hao},
  journal={the 34th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},