
identifying code

Tancy4hw opened this issue · 5 comments

I wander if there is some identifying code plugin for hapi-auth-cookie.

I'm using nd-bmp, the identifying pic was recognized as unauthenticated request and blocked. Is there anysolutions?

Hello @Tancy4hw,

I'm not entirely sure what you are asking. What do you mean when you say "identifying code plugin". And can you provide a link to the "nd-bmp" library, for I was unable to find any useful information given the context I have at this point.

Hello @mrlannigan ,

ths for your reply.
"identifying code plugin" means some plugin that creates Identifying/Verification code like below


sorry for mispelling on "nd-bmp", is't "gd-bmp", and the link:

Captcha verification or similar would be part of the login process, for example after validating username/password from a form, you would also validate the code, and then if successful you would set the auth cookie (request.cookieAuth.set(...)). The implementation/verification of the code itself is not within the scope of this plugin.

The total verification solution would be like you said, @mtharrison .

My problem was the verification code pic generated by gd-bmp which placed at server can not reply to the front end before validation. it's solved using a filter.
And my login page is like below:

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