
request.auth.credentials is null after setting request.cookieAuth.set({ id: users.id });

bradrar opened this issue · 3 comments

This is more of a question than an issue. I followed the README.md and copied the code given.
I have successfully set the request.cookieAuth.set and looked at the chrome browser dev tools application tab to make sure it is set. but when I looked at the request.auth.credentials, It is null. I have set my validateFunc to return an object {valid: true, credentials: account} where account is the user but when I try to console.log(request.auth.credentials) it returns null.

const users = [
        username: 'john',
        password: '$2b$10$nrkw6Mco2j7YyBqZSWRAx.P3XEZsZg3MNfma2ECO8rGMUTcF9gHO.',   // 'secret'
        name: 'John Doe',
        id: '2133d32a'

    server.auth.strategy('session', 'cookie', {
        cookie: {
            name: 'sid-example',
            password: '!wsYhFA*C2U6nz=Bu^%A@^F#SF3&kSR6',
            isSecure: false
        redirectTo: '/login',
        validateFunc: async (request, session) => {

            const account = await users.find(
                (user) => (user.id === session.id)

            if (!account) {

                return { valid: false };

            return { valid: true, credentials: account };

    server.auth.default({strategy: 'session', mode: 'try'});

  //login post
            method: 'POST',
            path: '/login',
            handler: async (request, h) => {

                const { username, password } = request.payload;
                const account = users.find(
                    (user) => user.username === username

                if (!account || !(await Bcrypt.compare(password, users[0].password))) {
                    console.log('user or password incorrect')
                    return h.view('login');

                request.cookieAuth.set({ id: users.id });
                console.log('login successful')
                return h.redirect().location("/")

I just solved this . Just curious what is wrong with my code here.

How did you solve it? When credentials were null, what as the auth status?

lock commented

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