
Unable to run any of the examples provided on the main page

Guimoute opened this issue · 6 comments


For some reason, I cannot run any of the examples provided on the main page. Are there special requirements that are not listed? My python version is 3.8.7.
Here is a simple script that is used to test the five examples and log the error traceback to a file. All you need to change is EXAMPLE = 1|2|3|4|5 in the constants.

# Imports.
import mgz
import os

# Constants.
PATH = "test.aoe2record"

# Redirect the error to a file.
with open(f"log_example_{EXAMPLE}.txt", "w") as log_file:

    # Open a game and get information.
        with open(PATH, "rb") as data:

            if EXAMPLE == 1:
                from mgz import header, body
                eof = os.fstat(data.fileno()).st_size
                while data.tell() < eof:

            elif EXAMPLE == 2:
                from mgz import header, fast
                eof = os.fstat(data.fileno()).st_size
                while data.tell() < eof:

            elif EXAMPLE == 3:
                from mgz.summary import Summary
                s = Summary(data)

            elif EXAMPLE == 4:
                from mgz.model import parse_match
                match = parse_match(data)

            elif EXAMPLE == 5:
                import json
                from mgz.model import parse_match, serialize
                match = parse_match(data)
                print(json.dumps(serialize(match), indent=2))

    except Exception:
        import traceback

test.zip contains test.aoe2record.

Manually looking at the header, this game has the following characteristics:

data = open(test.aoe2record, "rb")
from mgz.summary import *
header = decompress(data)
version, game, save, log = parse_version(header, data)
>>> version = <Version.DE: 21>
>>> game = 'VER 9.4'
>>> save = 25.22
>>> log = 5

The 5 tracebacks are here:

The 5 top-most errors are:

construct.core.ConstError: expected b'\x00\x0b' but parsed b'\x00\x00'

construct.core.ConstError: expected b'\x00\x0b' but parsed b'\x00\x00'

construct.core.ConstError: expected b'\x00\x0b' but parsed b'\x00\x00'

  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz\fast\header.py", line 48, in de_string
    assert data.read(2) == b'\x60\x0a'

  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz\fast\header.py", line 48, in de_string
    assert data.read(2) == b'\x60\x0a'

Thank you in advance for your help.

Are you using the latest version of mgz? You'll need to git clone the repository to get it.

I updated construct from 2.8.16 to 2.10.68 and now import mgz causes an error, so I cannot check the version. I got it via pip though, not on github. I'll try with github.

ImportError: cannot import name 'Embedded' from 'construct' (C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\construct\__init__.py)

Edit: it was mgz-1.7.3 that I got via pip. I am installing 1.7.4 right now.

I reverted the construct upgrade.

With a manual install of mgz-1.7.4 I have the three first examples that work. Examples 4 and 5 yield a different error now.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 463, in parse
    players, mod = parse_players(header, num_players, version)
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 430, in parse_players
    players = [parse_player(header, number, num_players) for number in range(num_players)]
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 430, in <listcomp>
    players = [parse_player(header, number, num_players) for number in range(num_players)]
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 116, in parse_player
    name, resources = unpack(f'<{name_length - 1}s2xIx', header)
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 33, in unpack
    output = struct.unpack(fmt, data.read(struct.calcsize(fmt)))
struct.error: bad char in struct format

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "REDACTED/PATH/TO/MY/PROGRAM", line 49, in <module>
    match = parse_match(data)
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\model\__init__.py", line 93, in parse_match
    data = parse(handle)
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 467, in parse
    raise RuntimeError("could not parse")
RuntimeError: could not parse
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 463, in parse
    players, mod = parse_players(header, num_players, version)
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 430, in parse_players
    players = [parse_player(header, number, num_players) for number in range(num_players)]
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 430, in <listcomp>
    players = [parse_player(header, number, num_players) for number in range(num_players)]
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 116, in parse_player
    name, resources = unpack(f'<{name_length - 1}s2xIx', header)
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 33, in unpack
    output = struct.unpack(fmt, data.read(struct.calcsize(fmt)))
struct.error: bad char in struct format

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "REDACTED/PATH/TO/MY/PROGRAM", line 56, in <module>
    match = parse_match(data)
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\model\__init__.py", line 93, in parse_match
    data = parse(handle)
  File "C:\WPy64-3870\python-3.8.7.amd64\lib\site-packages\mgz-1.7.4-py3.8.egg\mgz\fast\header.py", line 467, in parse
    raise RuntimeError("could not parse")
RuntimeError: could not parse

All the dependencies were installed properly apparently.

dependencies done

Ok, now you are seeing expected behavior. 4 and 5 (relying on "fast mode") aren't compatible with the latest version of DE, yet. You'll want to use the "full mode"/Summary to parse the latest recs.

Ok, thank you so much for your fast reply!