
error running during code

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, first of all, thanks for your great work.

I have encountered issues running your code, and wanna ask questions on it.

I am trying to run your example code:

python train.py --kernel-type 9c_meta_b3_768_512_ext_18ep --data-dir ./data/ --data-folder 768 --image-size 512 --enet-type efficientnet_b3 --use-meta --n-epochs 18 --use-amp --CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES 0,1

After training single epoch, when trying to evaluate, I encountered the following error:


Error message below is;

According to the error above, the issue might be relevant to data parallel. But I am not sure on the cause for this.

Could you give any suggestion for solving this problem?

