This is a free portfolio template I wrote in angular for my own portfolio hosted @
Clone the repo, then...
npm i
ng serve
The app uses a simple local json data store to render data dynamically.
JSON data store files are located in /src/assets/
Use the following data interfaces to add your own information to the portfolio.
Profile Data
- In this section, icons for socials can found on font-awesome
export interface Profile {
email: string;
location: string;
name: string;
phone: string;
avatar: string;
education: Education[];
about: string;
socials: Social[];
export interface Education {
title: string;
meta: string;
export interface Social {
name: string;
link: string;
icon: string;
Top Skills Data
export interface TopSkills {
top_skills: string[];
Work History Data
export interface WorkExperience {
work: Work[];
export interface Work {
date: string;
title: string;
description: string;
stack: string[];
Featured Projects Data
export interface Projects {
projects: Project[];
export interface Project {
preview: string;
created_at: string;
name: string;
description: string;
- To separate text into paragraphs, use the new line escape character '\n\n'
- Add a white space before a link in text strings i.e 'This is some long string\n\n [white_space]'
- Follow the data formatting in the included data interfaces
You may want to include links in your project descriptions to reference externally hosted projects.
No worries
There is an included pipe that identifies links and renders them correctly even if they were just included as plain text and not correctly formatted html.
NOTE follow the simple rules for json formatting above to ensure no errors
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';
name: 'linkify'
export class LinkifyPipe implements PipeTransform {
// tslint:disable-next-line: variable-name
constructor(private _domSanitizer?: DomSanitizer) {}
transform(value: string): any {
if (value) {
const temp = value.split(' ');
const indexOfOccurrence: any[] = [];
const links = temp.filter((subStr, index) => {
const condition = subStr.trim().startsWith('http') || subStr.trim().startsWith('https');
if (condition) {
return condition;
links.forEach((link, indx) => {
temp[indexOfOccurrence[indx]] = `<a href="${link}" target="_blank">${link}</a>`;
return this._domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(temp.join(' '));
- To enable download resume button, simply convert your pdf Resume into base64
- Make sure to select Data URI --data:content/type;base64
Add the base64 string to the json file located in /src/assets/media/base64/CV.json
- Use the following data interface
export interface Resume {
resume: string;
To build run
ng build --prod --buildOptimizer=true
Deploy the output files located in /dist/ to your favorite hosting platform. Enjoy & share :)