Why not use a patch discriminator?
taki0112 opened this issue · 4 comments
In the original paper, the discriminator used patchGAN.
In your model.py, it seems to be implemented. (random_crop, I do not know if this is correct)
Why did not you use this?
There was no reason to not implement PatchGAN. I talked to authors and they said that they did not use PatchGAN in their implementation on the github.
They have used the following function for the discriminator: https://github.com/junyanz/CycleGAN/blob/master/models/architectures.lua#L338
I'm surprised that the authors said they did not use PatchGAN!
In the option for training https://github.com/junyanz/CycleGAN/blob/master/options.lua they set n_layers_D = 3, and I thought that will lead to a PatchGAN with receptive filed 70x70?
I also thought crop the image to 70x70 is correct, if we average all overlapping patches of the image.
But this code seems slightly differ from the original idea?
If there is any incorrect please tell me~
Hi @ydnaandy123,
That's right, we used a 70x70 PatchGAN discriminator for CycleGAN, which is indeed what n_layers_D = 3 does. The discriminator has the same architecture as in pix2pix.
Same problem here. Glad to see some explanation unseen from the blog post :)