
Training on CycleGAN

mhusseinsh opened this issue · 0 comments


I am using your tensorflow implementation of the Cycle GAN for my own dataset.
However, there are few questions I want to ask about, and I hope you can be able to help me:

1- Before training, I create the csv file, which is pairing all images in both domains together randomly, but my question is, between every epoch and the other, do the batches get shuffled ? or for each epoch they are provided by the same sequence ?

2- I don't understand what is the "CycA" and "CycB" output images

3- If I don't want to use your network bidirectionally, is there something which I have/need to do ? I mean, I only want to translate from domain A -> B, and not vice versa

4- My dataset are images which are much higher in resolution than the provided dataset. They are 1242x375, will this be applicable for the deploying of the network ? or what shall I edit exactly in any part of the code to adapt my dataset

Thanks a lot in advance
Looking forward to hearing from you soon

Best Regards,