Backup, secure and send your system files using Megatools and GnuPG.
- Linux
- Rsync
- Megatools and a Mega account
- GnuPG ( create your gpg keypair before )
Install megatools :
yaourt -S megatools
Create a new configuration file (.megarc) with your Mega credentials :
Username = ...
Password = ...
Create a ".gpg-passwd" file and put in your secret key passphrase :
echo "PASSPHRASE" > .gpg-passwd
And set permissions for both files :
chmod 600 .megarc .gpg-passwd
Add this two lines to your gpg configuration file (~/.gnupg/gpg.conf) :
default-key YOUR_GPG_KEY_ID
default-recipient YOUR_GPG_KEY_EMAIL_ADDRESS
Create a new scheduled task by adding a new entry to your crontab file ( crontab -e ) :
0 06 * * * /path/to/