
Support Wildcards with traefik

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Docker information

hardware/mailserver   1.1-stable          sha256:3dbb863ed5c714d9b15ff46271bae9c37adfdf57ded53b4f9ea3fefb093129df   e9c99615f126        7 days ago          363MB


Support wildcard certificates with traefik

Steps to reproduce

  1. Configure traefik to use wildcard certificates
  2. Attach the acme volume
  3. Error certificates not found

Expected results

Work as with SAN certificates

Actual results

Doesn't work

Yup, already in my todo list. Traefik 1.6 should come after release candidate cycle.


And dumpcerts.sh need to be updated for 1.6 :


Hi there!
I have a question not exactly related with this subject, but what about the release cycles?

I mean, for example: I saw you made an update on the base image like 6 days ago (rspamd 1.7.2).

Until now the latest docker build was from 8 days ago.

However (2 hours ago), you did a new build for 1.1-latest:

So, how can I know which docker image refers to each commit?

PS: I'm also keep tracking about the traefik 1.6 too, by the way, caddy already has support for it (ACME v2).

Usually, 1.1-latest docker tag always point to the latest commit. But there is a memory leak issue in rspamd 1.7.2 so I haven't triggered the build to not affect 1.1-latest tag users. And I reported a bug to s6 developer. And docker hub had some build problems this week-end.

All of this caused the latest build to be delayed :)

@ichasco : Can you give me an example of acme.json with a fake wildcard certificate inside ? I can't pass the DNS-02 challenge because my DNS solution doesn't provide an API.

Yes of course, an example could be:

  "Domain": {
    "Main": "*.ichasco.com",
    "SANs": null
  "Certificate": "<Here goes the Certificate>",
  "Key": "<Here goes the Key>"

tell me if it is valid for you or if you need something else.


Great. Now, traefik 1.6 should works with hardware/mailserver:1.1-latest. Can you try ?

You should see this in mailserver logs :

[INFO] Search for SSL certificates generated by Traefik
[INFO] acme.json found with ACME v2 format, dumping into pem files
[INFO] Let's encrypt wildcard certificate found
[INFO] Let's encrypt live directory found
[INFO] Using /etc/letsencrypt/live/mail.domain.tld folder

Hi, I have tested and I got the following error:

server_1 | [INFO] Search for SSL certificates generated by Traefik
server_1 | [INFO] acme.json found, dumping into pem files
server_1 | [ERROR] The certificate for mail.ichasco.com or the private key was not found !
server_1 | [INFO] Don't forget to add a new traefik frontend rule to generate a certificate for mail.ichasco.com subdomain
server_1 | [INFO] Look /mnt/docker/traefik/acme/dump.log and 'docker logs traefik' for more information

Pull the latest image please.

docker pull hardware/mailserver:1.1-latest
docker-compose up -d
    image: hardware/mailserver:1.1-latest
      - /mnt/docker/traefik/acme:/etc/letsencrypt/acme

Sorry, I was testing with stable image.

Now works perfect!

server_1 | [INFO] acme.json found with ACME v2 format, dumping into pem files
server_1 | [INFO] Let's encrypt wildcard certificate found
server_1 | [INFO] Let's encrypt live directory found
server_1 | [INFO] Using /etc/letsencrypt/live/mail.ichasco.com folder

Thank you!!

Nice. Traefik wildcard certificates support will be available in the stable branch in a few days.