
not converting numbers will leading zeros

avilella opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I have a case where a .csv has a table with numbers like: 032907365 that are getting converted to 32907365 when doing:

avilella@avilellaM710t:~$ echo -e "col\n032907365\n"

avilella@avilellaM710t:~$ echo -e "col\n032907365\n" | q -O -H -d ',' "SELECT col  FROM - " 2>/dev/null

avilella@avilellaM710t:~$ echo -e "col\n032907365\n" | q -O -H -d ',' "SELECT CAST(col as TEXT)  FROM - " 2>/dev/null
CAST(col as TEXT)

How can I switch off that conversion process?

bitti commented

It seems you need to use at least version 1.6.0 of q, which supports an --as-text option. If you also have columns which should actually be interpreted as ints that would make things more complicated, but at least a workaround which casts should work then.

If you have a very simple query you could also consider the pragmatic (but technically wrong) approach of leaving out the -O and -H parameter and therefore force a text interpretation of all columns by q (assuming your header column names are all text). Of course then you would need to use c1 etc. to reference columns in the query.

Resolved with q version 1.7.x and:

echo -e "col\n032907365\n" | q --as-text -O -H -d ',' "SELECT col  FROM - " 2>/dev/null

thanks @bitti and @avilella for handling :)