Qt Integration Tutorial Error - Does not Work
Pebaz opened this issue · 5 comments
The Qt Integration Tutorial:
Throws an error:
AttributeError: module 'harfang' has no attribute 'VideoWindowedQuiet'
Which is indeed the case. My guess is the tutorial is outdated.
However, I am extremely interested in embedding Harfang with PyQt5 and would appreciate if someone could give me an absolutely bare-bones demonstration of how to do so.
The code I have so far:
import harfang as hg
renderer = hg.CreateRenderer()
if not renderer.Open(8, 8, 32, hg.VideoWindowedQuiet):
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow
class WindowPlotter(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, renderer, render_system):
self.renderer, self.render_system = renderer, render_system
self.viewport_widget = QWidget()
self.view_handle = hg.int_to_voidp(int(self.viewport_widget.winId()))
self.window = renderer.NewOutputWindow(16, 16, 32, hg.VideoWindowed, self.view_handle)
self.aspect_ratio = hg.Vector2(1, 1)
I basically copy-and-pasted this code from the referenced tutorial and it appears to be incomplete.
Again, if someone could just post a minimal Harfang-PyQt5 example, that would be amazing. Fixing the tutorial itself would be even better! ;)
This tutorial is indeed outdated, as you understood quite easily.
One of my colleague did a quick fix a couple of weeks ago, to make it work again, but it is not public yet.
Could you please tell us on what platform you'd like to use that HARFANG/Qt bridge ? Windows ? Linux ? Both platforms ?
I would ideally like to use Harfang + Qt on Windows and Linux but primarily Windows.
If possible, I would like to embed Harfang in a QWidget. This would allow maximum flexibility with regard to layout. However, I would be thrilled to be able to embed Harfang in any capacity.
Thank you for the quick reply!
Ok, fine.
This is the level of integration we have so far
Give us a couple of days, I need to check some details with my teammates.
That would be great!
I look forward to your response 😀
Can you send me an email to contact@harfang3d.com and I'll take it from there.