
A Logs analyzer for developers builds on top of elastic search. 📜⚡

Primary LanguagePython



"A Logs analyser for developers build on top of elasticsearch"


Open Source Programs ☀ :


Tech Stack 🚀 :

    1. Django
    1. Django Rest Framework
    1. React
    1. Elastic Search
    1. Celery & Redis


Docker Setup:

docker-compose up --build


Local Setup 👨‍💻:

NOTE : You need to first setup elastic search on our machine, Follow this guide

1.Virtual Environment Setup :

For Linux :
$. python3 -m venv env 
$. source env/bin/activate
For Windows :
$. py -m venv env
$. env\Scripts\activate


2. Installing Dependencies:

$. pip install wheel
$. pip install -r requirements.txt


3. Create Database Tables and Superuser:

Note: For Windows Users Replace python3 with python

$. python3 manage.py makemigrations
$. python3 manage.py migrate
$. python3 manage.py createsuperuser


4. Install Redis and Start Server

$. sudo apt-get install redis-server

$. sudo service redis-server start
  • [Options: {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}]
For Windows Users :

Refer This Article : https://dev.to/divshekhar/how-to-install-redis-on-windows-10-3e99


5. Running Celery

$. celery -A core worker -l INFO

For Windows Users :



6. Run Server

$. python3 manage.py runserver


8. Run Frontend

cd frontend/
npm i
npm run start


9. Go Live :


API Endpoints :


Want To Contribute ? 🙋

See Ideas List here



Working Screenshots 🕵 :

Screenshot from 2021-11-14 16-10-04

Search Results sample-log.log :

Screenshot from 2021-11-14 16-13-59

Sample log file sample-log.log :

Screenshot from 2021-11-14 16-14-04


Contributing Guidelines :

  1. Create a branch with feature/bug-fix name.
git branch <branch-name>

git checkout <branch-name>

  • Shorthand for creating a branch and checkout to the branch

git checkout -b <branch-name>

  1. After making the changes, run these commands.

git add . # To add all files to the staging area.

git add <file-name> # To add specific file to the staging area.

git commit -m "commit message"

git push # While running for the first time, you'll encounter an error. Run the suggested command given by git cli.