
[NEW] Compare pointer

herryg91 opened this issue · 0 comments

This code below will show error message "panic: Unsupported comparable values". I think it will be very usefull if this library can support comparing struct with pointer, since reflect.DeepEqual doesn't support it very well.

oldPerson := &person{
		Name:           "Gopher",
		Age:            10,
		Weight:         50.0,
		IsMarried:      false,
		Hobbies:        []string{"Coding"},
		Numbers:        []int{0, 1, 2},
		AdditionalInfo: "I love Golang",

	newPerson := &person{
		Name:           "Gopher",
		Age:            10,
		Weight:         60.0,
		IsMarried:      false,
		Hobbies:        []string{"Hacking"},
		Numbers:        []int{1, 2, 3},
		AdditionalInfo: "I love Golang so much",

	diffs, err := libra.Compare(nil, oldPerson, newPerson)
	if err != nil {