
Example doesn't work

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I tried your example as follows:

cleos push transaction `node chicmd.js -a phillhamnett --amount 100 -d 7 -r 0.30`

I got the following error:

ERROR: ExtrasError: ["expiration": "2018-12-14T09:52:52", "ref_block_num": 50046, "ref_block_prefix": 455193708, "max_net_usage_words": 0, "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0, "delay_sec": 0, "context_free_actions": [], "actions": [ { "account": "chintailease", "name": "prepare", "authorization": [ { "actor": "phillhamnett", "permission": "active" } ], "data": "2868616d6e6574747c317c3130307c302e303033307c377c312e303030307c6d73387a6a37736a6571" }, { "account": "eosio.token", "name": "transfer", "authorization": [ { "actor": "phillhamnett", "permission": "active" } ], "data": "000000206735a569a0b051d1993c5d43b80b00000000000004454f53000000002868616d6e6574747c317c3130307c302e303033307c377c312e303030307c6d73387a6a37736a6571" }, { "account": "chintailease", "name": "activate", "authorization": [ { "actor": "phillhamnett", "permission": "active" } ], "data": "2868616d6e6574747c317c3130307c302e303033307c377c312e303030307c6d73387a6a37736a6571" } ], "transaction_extensions": [] }]
Push an arbitrary JSON transaction

Hey Phillip,

I updated the example to include some extra " that were needed. Also make sure to update to the latest version of the code that is compatible with the new chintai contract.