Unable to stream via WHIP + OBS
kaitlynia opened this issue · 1 comments
kaitlynia commented
First of all, thank you so much for implementing a media server in Rust that supports WebRTC! Unfortunately, I'm having trouble getting it working.
v0.12.5, on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS, built using the GitHub release tag, Rust stable. Here is my config file:
key = "KEY"
password = "PASSWORD"
# WebRTC configurations #
enabled = true
port = 8083
pull_enabled = false
push_enabled = true
algorithm = "simple"
I am attempting to stream via WHIP in OBS with the following URL:
Here is the log:
[2024-03-30T03:29:13Z INFO xwebrtc::webrtc] WebRTC server listening on tcp://
[2024-03-30T03:29:13Z INFO xiu::api] Http api server listening on
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z INFO xwebrtc::session] 1:whip,2:live,3:stream
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z INFO streamhub] event data: {"Publish":{"identifier":{"webrtc":{"app_name":"live","stream_name":"stream"}},"info":{"id":"1711769356","pub_type":"PushWebRTC","notify_info":{"request_url":"","remote_addr":""}}}}
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z INFO streamhub] transceiver run success, idetifier: WebRTC - app_name: live, stream_name: stream
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z INFO webrtc::peer_connection] signaling state changed to have-remote-offer
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z INFO webrtc_ice::mdns] mDNS is using as dest_addr
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z INFO webrtc_mdns::conn] Looping and listening Ok(
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z INFO webrtc::peer_connection] signaling state changed to stable
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z INFO webrtc_ice::agent::agent_internal] [controlled]: Setting new connection state: Checking
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z WARN webrtc_ice::agent::agent_gather] [controlled]: could not listen udp fe80::216:3eff:fea6:cb3b: io error: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z WARN webrtc_ice::agent::agent_gather] [controlled]: could not listen udp fe80::42:4fff:fee5:5164: io error: Invalid argument (os error 22)
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z INFO webrtc::peer_connection] ICE connection state changed: checking
[2024-03-30T03:29:16Z INFO xwebrtc::whip] Connection State has changed checking
[2024-03-30T03:29:21Z WARN webrtc_ice::agent::agent_gather] [controlled]: could not get server reflexive address udp6 stun:stun.l.google.com:19302: deadline has elapsed
[2024-03-30T03:29:21Z INFO webrtc_ice::agent::agent_internal] [controlled]: Setting new connection state: Connected
[2024-03-30T03:29:21Z INFO webrtc::peer_connection] ICE connection state changed: connected
[2024-03-30T03:29:21Z INFO xwebrtc::whip] Connection State has changed connected
[2024-03-30T03:29:21Z INFO xwebrtc::whip] Ctrl+C the remote client to stop the demo
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO webrtc::peer_connection] peer connection state changed: failed
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO xwebrtc::whip] Peer Connection State has changed: failed
Peer Connection has gone to failed exiting: Done forwarding
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z WARN webrtc::peer_connection::peer_connection_internal] Failed to start manager dtls: Alert is Fatal or Close Notify
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z WARN webrtc::rtp_transceiver::rtp_receiver] RTPReceiver Receive failed the DTLS transport has not started yet
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z WARN webrtc::rtp_transceiver::rtp_receiver] RTPReceiver Receive failed the DTLS transport has not started yet
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z WARN webrtc::peer_connection::peer_connection_internal] undeclared_media_processor failed to open SrtcpSession
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z WARN webrtc::peer_connection::peer_connection_internal] undeclared_media_processor failed to open SrtpSession
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO xwebrtc::session] 1:whip,2:live,3:stream
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z WARN webrtc_ice::agent::agent_internal] [controlled]: Failed to close candidate udp4 host the agent is closed
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z WARN webrtc_ice::agent::agent_internal] [controlled]: Failed to close candidate udp4 host the agent is closed
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z WARN webrtc_ice::agent::agent_internal] [controlled]: Failed to close candidate udp4 prflx related :0: the agent is closed
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO webrtc_ice::agent::agent_internal] [controlled]: Setting new connection state: Closed
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO webrtc::peer_connection] peer connection state changed: closed
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO xwebrtc::whip] Peer Connection State has changed: closed
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO xwebrtc::session] close peer connection successfully.
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO webrtc::peer_connection] ICE connection state changed: closed
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO xwebrtc::whip] Connection State has changed closed
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO webrtc_mdns::conn] Closing server connection
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO streamhub] event data: {"UnPublish":{"identifier":{"webrtc":{"app_name":"live","stream_name":"stream"}},"info":{"id":"1711769362","pub_type":"PushWebRTC","notify_info":{"request_url":"","remote_addr":""}}}}
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO streamhub] unpublish remove stream, stream identifier: WebRTC - app_name: live, stream_name: stream
[2024-03-30T03:29:22Z INFO streamhub::statistics] avstatistics shutting down
Any help with this is appreciated! :)
harlanc commented
Hi @kaitlynia
I have already attempted to fix this issue in my environment and release a new version. You can try again, and if you encounter any problems, please let me know.