
Stream RTSP directly from xiu

thewh1teagle opened this issue · 3 comments

Can I stream rtsp directly from xiu by passing path to video file?
Or alternatively, use ffmpeg to read frames and push them into xiu via stdin?

The goa:
I want to simplify the server starting.

Reading a video file directly and stream out it as a RTSP stream by xiu? No, it's not supported now..

Do you think it's useful feature? compared to simply using loopback network as now?

I'm not entirely sure in what scenarios this feature is used, but it definitely brings convenience to you. However, I apologize as I am only maintaining this project in my spare time, which is limited. So, I want to focus my time on developing the most basic and common functionalities. I think you can implement this feature yourself, which shouldn't be too difficult. You can parse a file to obtain audio and video frame data, publish it to StreamHub, and subscribe to the RTSP event to receive the audio and video frames for distribution to the player. If you need any further assistance, feel free to continue the conversation.